

See the risk. Reduce the risk.

Only when you can see risk, can you truly manage risk.

Our most comprehensive Risk Management Solution has been purpose built for high risk industries thanks to a dedication and laser like focus on damage minimisation, and events that others would perceive as ‘unforeseen’.

Choose Risk+ because it enables the capture and tracking of all of your risks in a single, intuitive solution.

Risk+ is available with Forwood’s proven and tested content addressing 20+ critical risks – including fully developed Risk Register, Risk Assessments and Bow-Tie content.


Key features

Risk Register

Comprehensive Risk Register tracking of all risks across the organisation


Critical Risk Identification and Bow-Tie visualisation

Risk Matrix

Full lifecycle management of risks with embedded risk matrix

Centralised Repository

Centralised repository facilitates continuous updates as new content and information emerge, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of potential hazards

Continuous Monitoring

Continuous Monitoring and Alerts for any significant developments or changes in risk profiles


Integrate with CRM


Continuous Improvement of fatality risk reduction when integrated with Critical Control Verifications in Safety+

Risk Assessments

Critical Risk Control Assessments, Control Effectiveness Tests and Barrier Management capability

Risk Reduction Plans

Supports various risk management and risk reduction plans


Extensive reporting capability to ensure all stakeholder requirements are met

Action Plans

Create, manage, monitor and prioritise the lifecycle of action plans

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Our Products

Solutions that keep you safe


Eliminate serious injuries and fatalities using our Critical Risk Management Solution.

  • Proven fatality elimination capability
  • Critical control verifications that have been field tested for 10+ years
  • Patented 3-tier methodology


A fully integrated solution to meet all of your safety requirements.

  • Incident Management Tools
  • Critical Control Verifications
  • Workplace Inspections Tools
  • Safety Conversations & Meetings


A comprehensive solution to manage all risks in your business.

  • Comprehensive Risk Register
  • Bow tie visualisation
  • Links to critical risks and controls


Monitor and manage compliance towards multiple standards.

  • Assess and monitor compliance
  • Multiple global standards
  • Integrated audit capability
  • Reduce audit fatigue


Monitor unsafe behaviour 24×7 using our proprietary AI-driven solution.

  • Manage and monitor unsafe behaviour 24 x 7
  • Timely notifications and alerts
  • Link to critical controls


Ensure rigorous compliance with multiple global ESG standards.

  • Assess and monitor compliance
  • Multiple global standards
  • Integrated audit capability