

Socially. Financially. The better way to ESG.

We make ESG Easy.

Have you ever witnessed such a global transition like ESG? Has it left you and your team wondering if you’re doing enough to meet full compliance, while protecting people and planet?

If so, relax. We’ve got this. We’ll ensure you navigate sustainability and facilitate the widespread integration of ESG strategies across your organisation. And you’ll meet full compliance.

How you’ll achieve ESG excellence

Environmental, social and governance considerations extend far beyond mere shareholder returns.

Thankfully, ESG+ is designed to bolster your social license to operate, by firstly identifying risks. Then, it will track corrective action, report on progress transparently, and enable you to engage effectively with stakeholders on ESG.

Regardless of your organization’s global or internal standards or industry, ESG+ adapts and aligns. It generates audit scores across various standards, including your internal mandates, all consolidated within a comprehensive, integrated audit solution. This means that meeting reporting mandates becomes effortlessly streamlined. And that means you’ll have more time for your core business.

Look at how the key features below will make ESG easy for you.

Key Features

Data Aggregation and Tracking

Collect, consolidate, and track ESG-related data from various sources to ensure accurate reporting and analysis.

Integrated Audit Capability

Conduct a single integrated audit addressing multiple ESG standards to maximise efficiency and prevent audit fatigue.

Dashboard and Visualization

Present ESG data and insights through intuitive dashboards and visualizations for easy interpretation and decision-making.

Benchmarking Capability

Compare your organization’s ESG performance against industry peers, best practices, and global standards to identify areas for improvement.

Integration Capabilities

Integrate with existing systems, databases, and software to streamline data collection and reporting processes.

Risk Analysis and Reporting

Assess operational and reputational risks associated with ESG factors, generate risk reports, and provide insights for informed decision-making.

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Our Products

Solutions that keep you safe


Eliminate serious injuries and fatalities using our Critical Risk Management Solution.

  • Proven fatality elimination capability
  • Critical control verifications that have been field tested for 10+ years
  • Patented 3-tier methodology


A fully integrated solution to meet all of your safety requirements.

  • Incident Management Tools
  • Critical Control Verifications
  • Workplace Inspections Tools
  • Safety Conversations & Meetings


A comprehensive solution to manage all risks in your business.

  • Comprehensive Risk Register
  • Bow tie visualisation
  • Links to critical risks and controls


Monitor and manage compliance towards multiple standards.

  • Assess and monitor compliance
  • Multiple global standards
  • Integrated audit capability
  • Reduce audit fatigue


Monitor unsafe behaviour 24×7 using our proprietary AI-driven solution.

  • Manage and monitor unsafe behaviour 24 x 7
  • Timely notifications and alerts
  • Link to critical controls


Ensure rigorous compliance with multiple global ESG standards.

  • Assess and monitor compliance
  • Multiple global standards
  • Integrated audit capability