Case Study

PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MCG)

About the Customer

PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk (MCG) is an Indonesian metal and mineral mining holding company headquartered in Jakarta. It explores, extracts and produces gold, silver, copper and other minerals through subsidiaries operating in three of the main islands in Indonesia.
MCG’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System encompasses:

  • An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policy with the goal of “Everyone Safe, Always”
  • A suite of Critical Risk Standards
  • A compilation of Standards and Procedures covering Incident Management, Risk Management,
    Employee Health, Contractor Management, OHS monitoring activities, and audit programs.

MCG’s OHS Management System is certified to ISO 45001:2018 and compliant to the Indonesian Mining SMKP (Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan Pertambangan) Safety Management System regulatory requirements.

Customer Challenges

PT Merdeka Copper Gold TBK was founded in 2017. The Company, being in the early stages of incorporation and followed by sustained periods of business growth, required a robust OHS Management System to cover MCG Group’s exploration and mining operational activities. The immediate concern being the standardisation of controls to cover “critical risk” activities.

The development of Critical Risk Standards became a priority, but also consumed both time and resource in the document development phases of research, draft, review, approval, and followed by socialisation and implementation.

Forwood Solution

In the absence of an established Critical Risk Management (CRM) program across the MCG Group, and with time and resource constraints, a “ready to go” critical risk management solution was required. The Forwood CRM platform provided a ready solution to monitor critical risk activities through verification checklists that have evolved through cumulative years of mine industry experiences.

The platform comprised of a suite of critical risk topics covering the most common critical risks in our industry, and, a reporting functionality that included easily accessible dashboard displays summarising analysis of critical risk verifications with a capability to drill down to Departmental and Area level detail.

Outcomes Achieved

Zero fatalities and lower TRIFR

MCG has 2,300 users of Forwood CRM+, with a primary focus on managerial and supervisory levels. To date, Forwood CRM platform has contributed towards MCG maintaining a zero fatality work environment and a low Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR), with a result of 0.65 per million manhours for the year 2023.

MCG is progressing further with Forwood CRM+ by incorporating CRM verifications into Site and Departmental Key Performance Indicators. In addition and to focus on the quality of CRM verifications, coaching session KPI’s have also been established for our OHS teams.

The Forwood CRM platform will continue to be a contributing component towards achieving MCG’s OHS Goal of “Everyone Safe, Always”.