Peabody Australia join the Forwood Critical Risk Management Community
Safety is Peabody’s first value; committing to safety and health as a way of life. Upon review of current system capability as well as a market sweep, Forwood CRM was evaluated and identified as the leading critical control management tool on the market.
Forwood’s turn-key solution provided Peabody immediate benefit through the standardised global benchmark checklists, which verify and record critical control effectiveness above and below ground using Forwood’s online/offline App. The solution ensures that robust critical controls are implemented for all tasks with a credible fatality risk. CRM is a proven fatality prevention solution that applies Forwood’s patented 3-tiered methodology using cutting-edge technology.
About Peabody

Peabody is a leading coal producer, providing essential products for the production of affordable, reliable energy and steel.
Peabody Australia operates 6 underground and surface coal mines across Queensland and New South Wales, producing a range of metallurgical and thermal coals for the domestic and international markets.