Peabody Australia join the Forwood Critical Risk Management Community

Forwood is thrilled to announce that Peabody have joined the growing community of organisations applying a laser focus on fatality prevention, through the management of critical controls within Forwood’s Critical Management Solution


Safety is Peabody’s first value; committing to safety and health as a way of life. Upon review of current system capability as well as a market sweep, Forwood CRM was evaluated and identified as the leading critical control management tool on the market.

Forwood’s turn-key solution provided Peabody immediate benefit through the standardised global benchmark checklists, which verify and record critical control effectiveness above and below ground using Forwood’s online/offline App. The solution ensures that robust critical controls are implemented for all tasks with a credible fatality risk. CRM is a proven fatality prevention solution that applies Forwood’s patented 3-tiered methodology using cutting-edge technology.

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About Peabody

Peabody is a leading coal producer, providing essential products for the production of affordable, reliable energy and steel.

Peabody Australia operates 6 underground and surface coal mines across Queensland and New South Wales, producing a range of metallurgical and thermal coals for the domestic and international markets.

“Peabody Australia selected Forwood CRM to manage critical controls outside of our current system. With full functionality available now, it saves us a tonne of development time and money, that we can invest into strengthening our fatality prevention program. The site personnel love its simplicity, which makes a difference where it counts most, at the ‘coal face’ “.

Shane Apps
Senior Manager
Health, Safety and Training
Peabody Australia